

Keep your bandage on until you are home or in an appropriate area to wash your tattoo, between 1 and 2 hours after it was applied.

Do not re-bandage your tattoo.


Wash your hands with warm water and anti-bacterial soap. Use the lather from your hands to gently scrub the tattoo with your palm.

Rinse with cool water and pat dry with a paper towel. Let your tattoo air out for a few minutes if you are able.


Apply a very small amount of unscented lotion or healing agent to the tattoo. Gently rub it in, removing any excess. Your tattoo should not be wet.

Wash the tattoo and apply healing agent 3 – 5 times a day, whenever the tattoo feels dry or tight. Do not over-moisturize, your skin needs to breathe.

Before each application of lotion or ointment, you must wash off the previously applied layer of product. Do not layer ointment or lotion, this also suffocates the tattoo and results in poor healing.

Your tattoo will begin to peel as if it were a sunburn. Do not pick or peel, let it come off naturally. It is normal for peeling scabs to have some pigment in them, this is the epidermal layer (top skin layer) healing itself, and the tattoo remains in the dermis (second skin layer).

You must keep your tattoo clean when healing! Cleaning the tattoo prevents infection.


Repeat steps 2 and 3 until your tattoo is healed, between 1 and 3 weeks.

Continued daily moisturizing and UV protection of all your skin is recommended to keep your tattoo at its best for years to come.


  • Do not let others (including pets, cat litter dust, etc.) touch your tattoo until it is healed. It is an open wound and can become infected.

  • Do not wear bracelets, watches, rings, necklaces, or any other items that can bring bacteria into the tattoo. Do not wear tight clothing or clothes that will cause friction and irritation on the tattoo. Also, sleep on clean sheets free from animal hair, etc.

  • Do not submerge the tattoo in the bath, hot tubs, swimming pools, or bodies of water for at least two weeks. Do not soak the tattoo in water for long periods of time, this will cause scabs to come off too soon. Showering is fine, but do not take hot showers as this can burn the tattoo.

  • Do not subject your new tattoo to direct sunlight for long periods of time (including tanning lights) until it is healed.

  • Do not exercise the part of your body where the tattoo was done for at least 2 weeks due to damage and stretching of the skin.

  • Do not pick, itch, or scratch the tattoo.

  • Do not rebandage your tattoo.


Unscented Soap: Dial, Ivory Original Soap, Hibiclens.

Healing Ointment: Coconut Oil, Redemption Tattoo Aftercare, Hustle Butter, Recovery Tattoo Salve

White Unscented Lotion: Gold Bond Lotion, Aveeno, Curel


Do not use any heavy petroleum-based products or ointments such as A&D, Vaseline, Neosporin, Bacitracin, etc.


If your tattoo needs touching up after three weeks of being healed, please contact the original artist to set up an appointment.

Tattoos on the face, hands, and feet are not guaranteed.

Touch-ups are subject to a set-up fee. Contact your artist about their touch-up policies.